Submit your 2025-2026 OER Grant proposal today! The deadline for submissions is Sunday, March 30, 2025.
OER projects must be completed and final reports submitted by the end of the spring 2026 semester.
Please see the updated grant information below.
The OER Faculty Advisory Group accepts applications for Berea College’s Open Educational Resources (OER) Grants. These grants are intended to encourage and support the replacement of commercial textbooks and other course materials with relevant, high-quality OER.
Grant projects must be one of the following:
Examples: writing a test bank for an existing OER, adopting an open textbook, converting lecture slides to OER, creating and implementing an open pedagogy assignment
Examples: creating homework assignments or a workbook/lab manual to supplement existing OER for a full course, writing a section of an open textbook
Examples: writing an open textbook, creating a series of OER video lectures with transcripts and slides (This would be a great sabbatical project.)
There is a list of recommended repositories of OER and open textbooks on the Open Berea website.
You will be able to link to or upload your content into Moodle. If you have questions about having OER printed for students, please contact the Open Educational Resources Librarian.
If you have questions related to OER, copyright, and/or open licensing, please contact the Open Educational Resources Librarian to schedule a consultation. You are responsible for following copyright laws.
Stipends will be dispersed in the semester the OER is adopted, once the final report has been submitted to the OER Faculty Advisory Group, and any OER have been uploaded to appropriate repositories.
Faculty regularly highlight innovative curricular work in pre-tenure, tenure, and promotion portfolios. Please refer to the Tenure and Promotion Review Criteria section of the Faculty Manual to see how this kind of work could be incorporated into a portfolio.