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Special Projects in Public Services

This guide lists many of the special jobs that have been taken on by students and a brief description of each job.

Job Description


  • Student Knowledge Database Manager monitors student entries in LibAnswers for accuracy and quantity

    • keep track of incorrect answers, reoccurring questions, and new questions to give to the labor supervisor.

    • These are turned into training tools to be shared with students individually or at labor meetings.

  • Performance information is generated at the individual student level and shared back with students once every pay period via email; the labor supervisor is copied on those emails.

    • In these emails, the Knowledge Database Manager will share the minimum amount of questions required during the pay period and if that minimum was met or not.

  • Behind-the-scenes maintenance is performed, such as:

    • approving/denying comments

    • Closing out open questions on the dashboard

    • Correcting misinformation in the public knowledge database