In addition to collecting the archival records of Berea College, Special Collections and Archives(SC&A) offers assistance and advice on the management of records and the transfer of permanent records to the Archives. Contact archive staff for help in caring for records through all stages of the records lifecycle—from creation to archiving or destruction.
Services provided by Berea College's Special Collections and Archives include:
Archiving records of permanent value of Berea College and its departments
Instruction on keeping and destroying records
Advice on maintaining compliance with the College's records retention policies
Guidance and help in transferring records to the SC&A
What records should be sent to the Archives?
Records Management ensures that the College's institutional records of vital historical, fiscal, and legal value are identified and preserved, and that non-essential records are discarded in a timely manner according to established guidelines and identified legislation.
Thus, only materials designated as Permanent Records - because of their long-term informational or historical value - are collected by the Archives. The Berea College Retention Schedule (see below) outlines which records are permanent by designating their final destination as the Archives.
Additional information regarding transferring records to SCA:
Only the office of origin (office creating a record) needs to transfer a record to SCA. For example, only the Office of the Registrar needs to transfer the The Schedule of Classes as it is the creator of that record. Additional departments who have received copies of The Schedule of Classes do not need to transfer the record to the Archives.
Send 2 copies of records (such as major reports, event programs and posters, etc.) published or produced by your department to SC&A. For example, send two copies of a program (such as a Convocation program) to the Archives.
Any records containing personal information that (1) can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity (such as name, social security number, date and place of birth, mother's maiden name, or biometric records) or (2) any other information that is linked or linkable to an individual (such as medical, educational, financial, and employment information) must be marked RESTRICTED. For example, materials recording student names and course grades must be marked RESTRICTED.
Utilizing the Berea College Retention Schedule (above), determine if records are considered Permanent Records and thus transferable to SCA. Box all permanent records for transfer; number boxes.
Complete the Permanent Records Transfer Form (below);
Attach a copy of the Transfer Form to the box(es), envelope(s), or material(s) to be transferred;
Contact Lori Myers-Steele (see contact information below) to coordinate delivery/pickup of materials.
♦You can use the Inventory Worksheet(below) to help organize the transference of records to SC&A.