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Duties and Expectations of Special Collections Workers

Attendance Policy for the Special Collections Department

Special Collections & Archives | Hutchins Library

The student employee is responsible for working his/her contracted scheduled hours. Absence from assigned labor hours or required labor meetings without prior notification by the student or permission from the supervisor shall be considered an unexcused absence. The occasion may be poor health, a paper that is due, or other urgent personal reasons, but in any case, arrangements must be made ahead of time.  Prior notification and approval may be given in person, by telephone or by e-mail to your primary supervisor. Prior notification is essential! Otherwise the absence will be treated as an unexcused absence.

  • At the first opportunity, the supervisor shall meet with the student to discuss the unexcused absence. At this time, the supervisor reserves the right to excuse the absence if circumstances warrant..  First and second unexcused absences will be met with verbal warnings as to the consequences of additional unexcused absences.  The supervisor will record the date and subject of the discussion.
  • After the third unexcused absence, the supervisor will issue a written notice informing the student that a third absence has accumulated and a fourth constitutes grounds for immediate dismissal from the labor position or placement on labor probation.
  • Unexcused absences shall accumulate during each term.

LATE ARRIVALS: A pattern of tardiness may be treated as an unexcused absence at the discretion of the supervisor, following a discussion with the student employee. If an unexcused absence is declared, the procedures of the Labor Program Office will be followed.

APPEAL PROCESS: If a student employee does not agree with a decision for dismissal, the student may submit an appeal, in writing, to Calvin Gross, Associate Library Director/ Library Labor Supervisor. If a satisfactory solution is still not reached, the student may appeal, in writing, to the Associate Dean of Labor.

MAKING UP HOURS: Any hours missed from the scheduled hours, excused or unexcused, must be made up before the end of the term. Preferably, hours missed will be made up within a week and certainly should be made up within a pay period. Make-up hours should be arranged with and approved by the supervisor.  If a student becomes seriously behind in hours, the supervisor may, in conference with the student, schedule additional hours on a temporary basis until the student has made up the time missed.

TIME CLOCK: If a student clocks in (or fails to clock out) when he or she is not working or tampers with the time report, a complaint will be forwarded to the Labor Office by the Library Labor Supervisor (Calvin Gross). This offense is considered falsification of college records, punishable by probation or suspension from the College.  If a student forgets to clock in or out, the student should record the time on the manual time clock sheet next to the time clock and report the missed punch to their supervisor in order to have the system corrected.


Running Late/Calling Off?

If you are running late (by more than 10 minutes) or calling off, you have a responsibility to let your peers know. Here is what is expected of you in this circumstance:

  • Call Special Collections at 859-985-3262 and let whomever answers know when you can be expected.
  • If no one answers, contact your labor supervisor directly and apprise them of your situation.

Someone in the building should be aware of your situation so that those who are working can respond appropriately.

As long as you have made your colleagues aware of your lateness, the incident will not be held against you (unless it becomes a part of a persistent pattern of tardiness). If you do not let someone know, however, and you are more than 10 minutes late, then it will be an unexcused absence.