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Circulation Module 1: An Introduction to Hutchins Library

Reference Department Faculty

Resources and Services in the Reference Department

Why do people come to the Reference Department?

1. To have their questions answered. Whether their question is "Can you help me find a scholarly article for my research paper?" or just "Where is the restroom?", the bulk of what we do in Reference is to satisfy people's information needs.

2. To use our reference books. We have a large collection of highly specialized reference books which explain the main concepts, arguments, and major scholars in any given field/subject.

3. To use our computers. We have 4 desktop computers in the reference area, 2 of which require no log-in and so can be used by town patrons. Town patrons are people who are not affiliated with the college (meaning they do not attend school here or work here). The other 2 terminals require that the user have Berea credentials (which are the same as those used to access '' or 'Moodle').