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Appalachian Folklore in the Music Classroom: Work of Sound Fellow, Susan Mills

Susan Mills, Berea Sound Archives Fellow, focused on the development of Appalachian music teaching resources for elementary and middle school music classes that meet state and national music education standards.

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Susan Mills / Boone, North Carolina / 2006-2007 / Topic: Folklore

Susan MillsProject: Susan is the Coordinator of Music Education at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. Her traditional music involvement started with high school folk dance activities in Pulaski County, Kentucky and eventually included playing bass and piano for folk dance groups and at commercial country and bluegrass venues in Florida. She has taught music at the elementary and middle school level and is presently involved in training other music educators. Beginning in June, her Fellowship work at Berea will focus on the development of Appalachian music teaching resources for elementary and middle school music classes that meet state and national music education standards. These resources will be derived mainly from audio and manuscript materials in Berea’s Leonard Roberts Folklore Collection and be made available through a teaching resources website, journal publications, classroom lecture/demonstrations, and music education in-service workshops.