Title has multiple copies:
Circulating (3rd Floor)
College History (2nd Floor - Reference)
SC&A - MT and Berea
Using primary sources, recent scholarship, and photographs, Shannon H. Wilson charts the history and development of Berea from its founding through the administration of each College President.
Berea's First 125 Years, 1855-1980 by Peck, Elisabeth S.
Call Number: 378.7691 P366b 1982
Title has multiple copies:
Circulating (3rd Floor)
College History (2nd Floor - Reference)
SC&A - MT and Berea
A general history of Berea College.
Building A College: An Architectural History of Berea College by Boyce, Robert Piper
Call Number: 727.3 B789b 2006
Title has multiple copies:
Circulating (3rd Floor)
College History (2nd Floor - Reference)
SC&A - Berea
Detailed descriptions of the past and extant Berea College buildings, with an introductory chapter on the design and planning of the campus environs.
Theses and Dissertations
Philanthropists and politicians : a sociological profile of Berea College, 1855-1908 by Burnside, Jacqueline Grisby
Call Number: 378.154 H425n (Location: Special Collections - Mountain)
Publication Date: 2002
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Organizational culture and leadership at Berea College : an historical inquiry into saga development and underlying cultural assumptions by Wood, Gerald E
Call Number: 378.7691 W875o
SC&A - Berea
From Race to Region: Shifting Priorities at Berea College under President William Goodell Frost, 1892-1912 by Krehbiel, Lee E
Call Number: 378.7691 K92f
SC&A - Berea
Piety, Politics, and Pedagogy: An Evangelical Protestant Tradition in Higher Education at Lane, Oberlin, and Berea, 1834-1904 by Warford, Malcolm
Call Number: 378.04 W274p
The American Missionary Association's Antislavery Campaign in Kentucky, 1848-1860 by Reynolds, Todd A.
Call Number: 326.0976 R465a
John G. Fee: Kentucky Spokesman for Abolition and Educational Reform by English, Philip W.
Call Number: 378.7691 B689w (Location: Special Collections - Berea)
Delivered to the William Morris Society Centenary Conference, 28 June, 1996, Exeter College, Oxford University by Berea Professor John S. Bolin. Unpublished manuscript.
The Berean Way: Interracial Education in Kentucky, 1855-1904 by Arthur, James Milton
Call Number: 378.7691 A788b
More Books on People and Academic Departments
One Apostle was a Lumberman : John G. Hanson and Berea’s Founding Generation by Drake, Richard B.
Call Number: 378.7691 D762o
Title has multiple copies:
3rd Floor
College History - Reference - 2nd Floor
Berea Hospital: The First Century, 1898-1998 by Barker, Garry
Call Number: 362.11 B255b
Nurses in Time : Developments in Nursing Education, 1898-1981 by Peck, Elisabeth S.; final chapter by Martha W. Pride
Call Number: 610.73 P366n 1982
John B. Stephenson, Appalachian Humanist : An Anthology by Ford, Thomas R., ed; with a biographical sketch by J. Randolph Osborne
Call Number: 378.009 S847zf
Six Berea College Presidents: Tradition and Progress by Hughes, Jerome W.
Call Number: 378.7691 H893s
Berea College: Spiritual and Intellectual Roots by Brown, Dale
Call Number: 378.7691 B877b
Full-length plays produced at Berea College, 1892 to 2006 : a list including directors, designers, theatres and performance dates by Bolin, John S.
Call Number: 792 B689f 2006
The Music Program of Berea College (Kentucky) and the Folk-music Heritage of Appalachia by John Melville Forbes