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iTouch/Mobile Learning Project

Penelope Wong's Summer 2013 Education Class

Faculty Member(s)

Penelope Wong

Contact: 859-985-3107


Project Description-Mobile Learning

Mobile iPod Touch Learning Lab Project

With the new Mobile Learning Project, students are able to to learn outside of the classroom using the latest technology and software applications.  This project models a flipped clasroom approach that is highly interactive.  iPod touches are being implemented for the EDS 355 summer course  taught by Penelope Wong and Beth McCauley in order to maximize the learning experience and productivity while students are off campus. The apps installed on them, allow students to travel around with all the essentials for class in one, light-weight, handheld device. 

Thanks to the iPod touch's built in camera, the difficult task of lugging around filming/recording equipment is no longer needed. With apps like iMovie, Dragon Dictation, and QuickVoice Recorder, the student's media center will be right in their pocket.

With Skype and FaceTime, students will be able to keep in touch and have meetings. Dragon Dictation allows students to take notes and keep memos of their experiences while they are on the go.  This allows students easy access to technology needed for classroom assignments when no computer or laptop is available or feasible.

Also implememted is Navajo Toddler which is a quick and fun way to introduce the students to the language.  This app allows students to quickly learn and engage in basic conversation and activities with those who are native speakers. It also has fun games implemented within the app to provide additional learning.

Apps currently being used include:

  • Skype
  • Dragon Dictation
  • Quick Voice Recorder
  • Google Maps
  • FaceTime
  • Weather Channel
  • Camera
  • Safari
  • Navajo Toddler
  • iMovie
  • Turning Technologies Presenter
  • Turning Technologies Response