Bible Dictionaries
Think mini-encyclopedia with A to Z format. These can be single or multiple volume works. Entries range from a concise paragraph to multiple page essays.
R 220.3 H295 2011 Harper Collins Bible Dictionary one volume
R 220.3 C3625 2009 Catholic Bible Dictionary one volume
R 220.3 A539 Anchor Bible Dictionary, 6 volumes
R 220.3 E26 2000 Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible one volume
R 220.3 N532 2007 New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible 5 volumes
R 220.3 Z875 2009 Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible, 5 volumes
Commentaries - Single Volumes
One-volume commentaries like the Harper Collins Bible Commentary give a broad overview, focusing on a chapter-by-chapter approach. These works offer the student basic concepts and provide the big picture.
R 220.3 O982 2001 Oxford Bible Commentary
R 220.7 H295 2000 Harper Collins Bible Commentary
R 220.708 W872 2012 Women's Bible Commentary, 3 ed
R 220.7 J561 2022 New Jerome Bible Commentary for the Twenty-first Century
R 220.7 I61 2010 New Interpreter's Bible One Volume Commentary
R 220.709 A258 2006 Africa Bible Commentary
Commentaries - Multivolume
These commentaries examine biblical books on the verse or even the individual world level.
R 220.7 I61 1994 New Interpreter’s Bible Circulating copies located on 3rd floor
R 220.72 A188 Interpretation Addition copies located on 3rd floor
220.6 A539 Anchor Bible (1965- ) Located on the third floor, this set provides more detailed analysis.
Concordances give book, chapter and verse location of an individual word, typically provided in context. It maybe helpful to think of it as key word searching. Analytical concordances provide the English word's Greek or Hebrew counterpart. Scholars use analytical concordances to study how individual words are used and translated into English. To find a specific Bible verse, use the most unique word with in the verse as the keyword.
R 220.5208 G655N NIV Exhaustive Concordance
R 220.52 W578e Eerdmans’ Analytical Concordance (RSV)
R 220.52 S923e 2007 Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (KJV)
Gospel Parallels
This tool demonstrates the differences between similar passages in Matthew, Mark and Luke also know as synoptic gospels. Some students initially find this resource confusing. If you have questions please ask a librarian or inquire at the reference desk.
R 226.1 B581992 Gospel Parallels
R 226.1 B582ef New Gospel Parallels, 2 volumes