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Frost, William G. For the Mountains: An Autobiography. New York, NY: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1937. Print.
---. “Our Contemporary Ancestors in the Southern Mountains.” The Atlantic Monthly March, 1899: 311-319. Print.
Green, Chris. “Evangelizing an Anglo Equality.” The Social Life of Poetry: Appalachia, Race, and Radical Modernism. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 17-39. Print.
Hayslette, Sandra Diane. “’Not at the Top, But Climbing’: Teaching and Learning about Appalachia and Identity at Berea College, 1920-1940.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002. Print.
Hoffman, Carl. “Hands-on Training for Community Leadership” [Brushy Fork Leadership Development Program, outreach arm of Berea College]. Appalachia: Journal of the Appalachian Regional Commission. 36 (2003): 32-36. Print.
Krehbiel, Lee Edward. “From Race to Region: Shifting Priorities at Berea College Under President William Goodell Frost, 1892-1912.” Ph.D. dissertation: Indiana University, 1997. Print.
Mack, Dwayne. “‘Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around’: Berea College’s Participation in the Selma to Montgomery March.” Ohio Valley History. 5.3 (2005): 43-62. Print.
Meisel, Wayne. “Transformation Colliding: Students, Community, and Campus Connections.” Appalachian Heritage: A Magazine of Southern Appalachian Life Culture. Ed. Sidney Saylor Farr. 28.2 (1999): 35-43. Print.
Messinger, Penny. "Restoring the Woman Reformer: Helen Hastie Dingman and 'Mountain Work,' 1916-1950." Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review 37.3-4 (2010): 242-264. Print.
Mitchell, Catherine C. and Joan C. Schnyder. “Public Relations for Appalachia: Berea’s Mountain Life and Work.” Journalism Quarterly. 66.4 (1989): 974-1049. Print.
Mountain Life and Work. Published by or at Berea College from 1925 to 1940, in close coordination with The Council of Southern Mountain Workers, whose official “organ” it became in 1941. For Berea’s stance on Appalachia in 1925, see Mountain Life and Work 1.1 (1925).
Peck, Elisabeth S. and Emily Ann Smith. Berea’s First 125 Years, 1855-1980. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1982. Print.
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Shapiro, Henry D. Appalachia on Our Mind: The Southern Mountains and Mountaineers in the American Consciousness 1870-1920. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina Press, 1978. 45-46; 87; 119-120; 122-132; 208-209; 225-226. Print.
Shinn, Larry. “Continuity and Change in Appalachia.” Appalachian Heritage: A Magazine of Southern Appalachian Life and Culture. Ed. Sidney Saylor Farr. 28.2 (1999): 7-11. Print.
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Strategic Planning Committee. “Berea's Appalachian Commitment: A Regional Mission with Global Implications.” 2002. RG 10, Committees, Projects, Reports: Strategic Planning Committee, Berea College Archives. Print. Also on Digital Berea.
Thompson, Deborah. Performing Community: The Place of Music, Race, and Gender in Producing Appalachian Space. PhD. Dissertation, University of Kentucky, 2012. Print.
Tucker, Bruce. “Imagining Appalachians: The Berea Workshop on the Urban Adjustment of Southern Appalachian Migrants.” Appalachian Odyssey: Historical Perspectives on the Great Migration. Eds. Phillip Obermiller, Thomas Wagner, and Bruce Tucker. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. 96-120. Print.
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[1] Director of Students for Appalachia at Berea College ~1987-1997