A Good Job by George S. McClellan; Kristina L. Creager; Marianna Savoca; George D. Kuh (Foreword by)Call Number: 378.198 M1265g 2018
For many students, working while in college is a defining characteristic of the undergraduate experience. However, student workers often view campus employment as a money-making opportunity rather than a chance for personal development. Likewise, institutions often neglect to consider campus jobs as a means to education and student engagement. It is the distinction between work for remuneration and work for personal development which shapes much of the discussion of student employment throughout A Good Job. This book makes the case for campus employment as a high-impact practice in higher education and provides models for institutional efforts to implement new student employment strategies. Carefully designed campus employment opportunities can have numerous benefits, including career exploration and preparation, learning, and increased engagement leading to increased retention. The authors make the case that employment can and should be a purposeful and powerful component in any higher education institution's efforts to support student learning, development, and success. This book is an excellent resource for anyone interested in capitalizing on the developmental and learning potential of student employment on campus.