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Edited by Sona Apbasova

Hutchins Campus Reorganization

From Board of Trustees Minutes, 10 April 1943, p12:

“On motion of Foster, seconded by Manning, voted that the following resolution, as presented by Dr. Weatherford for the Educational Policies Committee, be adopted:

The Board is deeply appreciative of the very thorough study given by the faculty to the problem of organization. Although certain weaknesses have appeared in the organization as now if operation, these do not seem insuperable, and the Board is not convinced that the reorganization, voted in 1935, should be discarded without further trail. To do so would require setting up a new system at this time when many conditions, even in the immediate future, are unknown, and when even the lives of the colleges are uncertain. The faculty is therefore requested to restudy the organization and to make a report to the President by Commencement, with a view to eliminating the difficulties, but particularly to preserving the following values:

(1) The coordination of (a) that 11th and 12th grades, and (b) the 13th and 14th grades, particularly by eliminating duplication.
(2) The greatest possible flexibility in the use of teaching staff over the last six years of education.
(3) Placing both authority and responsibility for education at different levels in the faculties most directly concerned.
(4) The most adequate general education possible before the student enters upon specialized study.
The greatest possible unity of interest and purpose of all faculty members to advance the educational quality of our work.”

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