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Duplex House/Prospect Street Apartments

Excerpt from Building A College: An Architectural History of Berea College[1]



Duplex, House/ProspectStreet Apartments, 1928
Architect: George H. Gray and Clark Lawrence, New Haven, CT

This handsome two-unit wood frame structure on Big Hill Pike, Prospect Street, was completed during the spring of 1928 and rented for $37.50 a month per unit (April 6, 1928). Designed as a symmetrical unit with two entrances and full basements, it is dressed in shingles and brick.  It has a back porch on each unit, end chimneys and enclosed projecting entrances. The base of the exterior walls flares when it meets the brick foundation. Because the apartments were built on the slope of Prospect Hill, the full basement is exposed at the back ( Berea Citizen, July 19, 1928, 3).




[1] Citation: Boyce, Robert Piper. Building A College: An Architectural History of Berea College. Self-published. Berea, Ky: Berea College Printing Services, 2006, p 55.

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Works Cited

Boyce, Robert Piper. Building A College: An Architectural History of Berea College. Self-published. Berea, Ky: Berea College Printing Services, 2006, p 55.

Prospect Street Apartments. Boyce, Robert Piper. Building A College: An Architectural History of Berea College. Self-published. Berea, Ky: Berea College Printing Services, 2006, p 55.

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