Hayes Clark
Office: Hutchins Library 218
Educational Technology supports the Panopto Video platform, that integrates and enables users to easily insert videos, submit videos and publish Panopto video sessions and video playlists inside your LMS. Faculty members need to contact Anthony Basham to create their Berea College licensed Panopto Video instructor account or install the "Panopto Block" as a part of the Panopto Moodle LMS integration.
This "How to Guide" below will help you get started with Panopto Video as an instructor. To begin, Faculty members need to contact Anthony Basham to create their Berea College licensed Panopto Video instructor account.
Please consider FERPA guidelines with working with video projects for student projects:
We should always be extremely careful with any data connected to students and their privacy.
Best practices would generally have or prefer any recordings with student images / data taken be behind the Berea security whenever feasible (and therefore such videos can be linked through Panopto). Berea defines photographic, video or electronic images of students taken and maintained by the college as directory information which may be disclosed and does not have to be kept behind a secure firewall.
The "FERPA Quick Guide document" is also very helpful in explaining them as well. I recommend viewing the whole document.
"What is and what is not an educational record?
Education records include but are not limited to: grades, class rosters, papers, tests, student course schedules and financial records, and emails and notes about students that are not “sole possession” records. The following are NOT educational records:
• Notes kept on students by a faculty/staff member for their own records or reference that are not shared with others (called “sole possession records”).
• Informal peer graded papers and exams prior to the grade being recorded in an instructor’s grade book. "
"What can NEVER be “directory information”?
• Social security number, birthdate, race/ethnicity, gender, nationality/citizenship, grades, GPA, financial information, pins/passwords.
• All emails sent with any protected student data must be encrypted. Please see Berea’s email policy concerning FERPA-protected data."
Other Resources for Faculty
The Student Information below will help with the steps for submitting and uploading your video assignment.
Other Resources for Students "Panopto Student Submission" Assignment activity.