Created by: Emily Daugherty
For these infographics, I used the website Canva to design them and multiple sources listed below to gather information about animal testing. I chose an infographic that uses many different percentages and statistics to show the data I wanted to display. I did this because I thought it was the best way to get my message across while still giving a good amount of factual information. I chose to focus on animal testing and how many companies rely on it for their information. This testing is ruthless and should not be the first resort when testing a new product, whether that be a drug, a makeup product, or any beauty product. Many companies use animal testing and have no plans to end the suffering of these animals. By reading this statement and observing my info graphs, I hope that I can sway you in the direction of change and hope for these animals that are experimented on daily and endure unimaginable pain for our pleasure. We should all promote companies that focus on not using animal testing as a facility and using any means possible to deter these companies from continuing the use of these cruel methods. These infographics are a perfect way to express this issue and show people the facts about animal testing. These graphics include things like what types of animals are commonly used in this testing. How many animals are killed each year by this, how many companies use methods such as animal testing, and statistics on less cruelty-based options for products. I believe that this type of graphic is beneficial in getting my message across.
“About Animal Testing.” Humane Society International, 27 May 2020,
Cruelty-Free International,
List of Cruelty-Free Brands (2021) - Not Tested on Animals. ethical elephant. (2021, May 7).
Companies That Test On Animals (2021 Update): Cruelty-Free Kitty. Cruelty. (2021, April 14).
Created by Quinn Anderson
(zine - click on title or image to view in full)
“Pussy Riot: The Power of Feminist-Organized Guerilla Performances”
My zine, entitled “Pussy Riot: The Power of Feminist-Organized Guerilla Performances,” is a virtual, self-published magazine that tells the story of a feminist group in Russia, whose main objective was to oppose the Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin. The zine employs visual media including pictures and graphics, as well as auditory media via videos. I organized the zine strategically—because I am talking about Pussy Riot’s organization and strategy—by first presenting the viewer with who Pussy Riot is as an activist group, then explaining their mission, and finally breaking down their tactics that could be used by future organizers and activists. Pussy Riot describes itself as a musical activist group that conducts guerilla performances in public, urban spaces, whose chief concerns include: “…political activism, ecology, and the elimination of authoritarian tendencies in the Russian state system through the creation of a civil society.” Their protest songs speak to the corrupt nature of their government, namely, their rigged elections, and condemn Putin’s rule as dictatorship. The group tells us, through its use of what is directly in front of it, that normal people can do a lot with very little—cheap ski masks, handmade outfits, and limited technical musical skill—to create a visual protest that has a massive impact. What may seem trivial, or even silly, can actually be the spark that starts a fire, that threatens pillars of control that are suppressing them. Pussy Riot, by its strategic but modest organization and resource base, was able to create a movement that drew global attention to their cause and even inspired a documentary about it. This zine should inspire ordinary people to use the limited resources they have in creative ways to defy unjust government rules and to attempt to make a change. I believe that my zine, through its visually interesting aesthetics, and informative description and analysis, will be able to achieve just that.
Created by: Loren Cox
These infographics were created using Canva and are based on statistics surrounding elder abuse in nursing homes. One focuses on the physical abuse aspects while the other focuses on the mental abuse aspects. The statistics show how common this issue actually is and how it affects the victims.
Nursing home abuse in the United States is a very common issue that most people do not know about, which is unfortunate considering 1.4 million elders currently live-in nursing homes. A leading cause for elder abuse is the lack of workers in nursing home, causing overworked nurses to neglect their patients and take their frustrations out on them. I am hoping these infographics will bring awareness to this issue. By putting a spotlight on nursing homes, the increased pressure could lead to better admirative oversight. This can lead to better hiring practices, such as running background checks and psychological evaluations. It can also ensure the nursing homes are staying fully staffed so employees will not become overworked. I’m also hoping these infographics will encourage families to regularly check in on their elder members living in nursing homes.
Nursing home abuse can be a very sad topic. Everyone has a parent, a grandparent, an aunt or uncle that lives or will live in a nursing home, so the idea that they can be harmed in a place that is supposed to be safe is terrifying. The goal is not to scare people but to bring awareness to a very important issue. This is why I chose to focus on the facts and statistics. I used diagrams to present the statistics clearly along with captions of what they meant. I also included the signs of physical and emotional abuse, so people are aware of what to look out for since so few cases of abuse are reported by facilities. At the end of the day, I want people to know what is happening so that the people who are doing this and those who are hiding their actions are held accountable.
Created by: Loren Cox
Created by: Erika Wilson
(zine - click on title or image to view in full)
This zine was created to echo the issues regarding mental health in the Appalachian Region by using various materials to incorporate the numerous feelings someone might have in relation to mental health. I combined images to help visually represent what we can and cannot see in connection with a person’s mental health. Many people struggling with depression, for instance, tend to go unnoticed because of the commonality it has in Appalachia and their ability to disguise the numb-like feelings associated with depression with a smile. I used different letters from magazines to embody the feeling of a ransom letter in hopes that it will convey the message that mental health sometimes feels like it has robbed you of yourself. I also sewed copper wire into the binding of the zine to represent the feeling of hanging on by a thread, and to also showcase the title of my zine more.
The Appalachian Region suffers from many issues that keep its communities from prospering, and this is correlated with the lack of mental health awareness and resources. In many cases within the Appalachian Region, there are other outside forces that contribute to the mental stress these communities feel like financial struggles, insufficient job opportunities, and lack of resources regarding education and healthcare. If someone is struggling with finding a place to work, which could cause their depression to worsen, they should be able to have access to affordable resources. The opioid crisis in the Appalachian Region also goes hand in hand with mental health issues. Many people that turn to drugs (opioids) are dealing with undiagnosed mental health problems but taking these drugs can make these problems worse. Statistics show that people in the Appalachian Region suffer from depression more frequently, attempt and commit suicide more, have fewer resources to help prevent or provide guidance for these mental health issues.
I am from a small town in southwest Virginia, a coal-mining town that barely has a clinic and post office. We do not have a cell phone tower and our fire department was recently shut down for drugs. Growing up in an Appalachian community like this makes it difficult to understand your own mental health problems. I personally struggle with anxiety and depression; I also used to struggle with suicidal thoughts. I am surrounded by people like me, but so many of them are unaware of their own mental health due to the lack of knowledge surrounding the issue. I am using this zine to reflect the differences between the Appalachian Region and the rest of the country in hope of expressing the urgency surrounding the issue at hand. I am also going to share my own personal stories to show people they are not alone. One of the biggest fears, I believe, when it comes to mental health problems is being alone with emotions, feelings, and thoughts. In my zine, I show that, while mental health is ugly, it is often disguised by beauty.
Alford, Roger. “Study: Appalachia More Prone to Mental Health, Drug Problems.” Dispatch, 13 Aug. 2008.,in%20northern%20and%20southern%20Appalachia.
“Key Findings: Health Disparities in the Appalachian Region.”
Waters, Miranda Renee, "Mental Health Services in Appalachia" (2011). Online Theses and Dissertations. 16.
Created by: Haily Davis
(click on title or image to view in full as a pdf)
This infographic was made using Canva.
The issue I wanted to highlight in this infographic is discrimination against people with disabilities in the workplace. This form of discrimination may include unnecessary and exclusionary job requirements, paying disabled employees less than their able-bodied coworkers, or refusing to make reasonable accommodations, among other things. I hope that this infographic gives others insight into the challenges disabled people face in the workplace and encourages the viewers to show support for disability activists seeking to end workplace discrimination.
On the first page of the infographic, I cited statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor, the Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the United States Census Bureau. I chose to incorporate these statistics to demonstrate the differences in inclusion, pay and income, and employment opportunity between disabled and able-bodied persons in the workforce. On the second page of the infographic, I cited seven key events in the timeline of Disability Employment Policies listed by the U.S. Department of Labor, beginning with the Americans with Disabilities Act in July of 1990 and ending with the implementation of Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in January of 2017. I incorporated this information to share what steps the U.S. government has taken over the past thirty-one years to improve the treatment of disabled people within the workforce, and to help the viewers understand exactly how recently the ADA came into existence. After the final event in the timeline, I pose the question: “What’s next?” For me, this question is significant because I have witnessed acts of discrimination toward my dad, who uses a wheelchair, and I know that there is still a long way to go before people with disabilities are treated equally to people without disabilities.
Works Cited:
Persons with a Disability: Labor Force Characteristics Summary. (2021, February 24). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Kaye, H., Jans, L., & Jones, E. Why don't employers hire and retain workers with disabilities?. (2011, March 13). Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.
Employment of Workers with Disabilities. (n.d.). U.S. Department of Labor Seal.
Do People With Disabilities Earn Equal Pay?. (2020, August 17). The United States Census Bureau.
Disability & Employment: A Timeline. (n.d.). U.S. Department of Labor.
Created by: Elise Kemp
(video - click on title or image to view)
When creating my artwork, I began by writing the first lines that came to my mind. I then analyzed whether the lyrics would flow well in a song and fixed places that did not flow or had no rhythm, at times moving some of the lines around. It was crucial that the song had rhythm and flow but also good content. I wanted to illustrate the struggles African Americans face and decided to tell a story throughout portions of the song to emphasize this. I chose to break up the parts in which the story is being told to ensure that I was incorporating everything I wanted to. The issue I am bringing awareness to is systemic racism as well as its influence on generational poverty. This issue is something I am very passionate about, somewhat because as a young bi-racial woman, I have experienced many of the effects of systemic racism. I am also very passionate about fighting against generational poverty because I hate seeing people trapped in the vicious cycle of a system that has been designed to ensure they will fail. I believe that many people do not recognize the lack of opportunities provided for people of color. There are many times in which young Black teens are forced to become the father figure in a home, and even more often, they are put in positions where they must financially provide for their family. These teens struggle to find jobs as many employers are reluctant or even refuse to give African Americans jobs. The teens then have to choose between continuing with school, providing no financial support, joining a gang, or getting involved with illegal activity, which often provides them with another family and monetary aid. In reality, this is not much of a choice, as one results in homelessness and hunger, and the other provides them with an opportunity to support their family. I hope that this song begins to educate people on the problems faced by African Americans and the other issues in society. I also hope that this piece plays on people's heartstrings, driving them to recognize this as a massive issue and move into action. I decided to begin the piece by speaking on the Black Lives Matter movement, quickly paying tribute to some of those who have lost their lives due to police brutality. I then have the line, "Too many more to name that's why we stand and fight," emphasizing that the issue impacts many more than what is shown in the media. The song continues to explain the struggles faced by members of the Black community regarding the opportunities made available to them. The line "it's not that simple; John gets a job before Tyree. That's life as a member of the black community." represents the challenges African Americans face when attempting to get jobs. The song then tells the story of Tyree, a fictional character who represents many young Black men today. While listening to the piece, one begins to hear more examples of systemic racism before picking back up with Tyree's story and seeing how systemic issues encourage the continuation of generational poverty. This now explains the challenges put on Tyree when his girlfriend falls pregnant because they have not been thoroughly educated on safe sex. She proceeds to abort the baby, and the song discusses how this mentally affects her, as she did not genuinely want to abort. Still, she felt it was her only option because there are so many clinics in their poverty-stricken, primarily African American town. The inclusion of this portion is meant to express that many young Black women make decisions they soon regret because the intentional placement of abortion clinics in low-income areas encourages this process. She feels the emotional turmoil after having the abortion as intense, especially near the day she would have had the baby, where she turns to alcohol to cope. The story then shifts to Tyree, who is on the streets, trying to make a little more money to pay the upcoming rent. He sees a girl who has hurt herself in an alley, so he attempts to use his shirt as a tourniquet while she cries from the pain. Suddenly Tyree hears a gunshot. In the final seconds, the story shifts to Tyree's sisters as they open the door to find the police. The officer tells them their brother was killed because he was raping a young girl in an alley, but they do not have bodycam footage. These final lines of the song depict a reality that is far too accurate for countless Black teens. Due to the stereotypes and stigmas surrounding African Americans, innocent Black lives are continuously taken by police. Tyree was trying to help, but he instead lost his life as a result of false assumptions. The notion that the officers do not have the bodycam footage refers to the fact that bodycam footage during the death of innocent African Americans is often not released or mysteriously "goes missing," likely to cover that the victim was innocent. All in all, I hope the story told allows people to get a better understanding of the struggles Black Americans face, the reasons as to why some make the choices they do, and motivating listeners to take a stand against systemic racism.
Created by: Mikaela Otte
The Pro-Choice movement is one that holds great importance to me and my life. I believe that women should have the right to choose what happens with their bodies and their choice to be pregnant or to terminate that pregnancy. I am someone who believes that the government should not control people’s bodies and we all deserve agency over our own physical beings. I wanted to help put a stop to misinformation regarding the pro-choice movement and abortion as a whole. I chose to do this by creating infographics with information on different aspects of the pro-choice movement. One infographic is based entirely on what the organization Planned Parenthood is and all the services they provide. It is inclusive and explains in an easy-to-understand way all that they provide and it clears up misconceptions about the organization as a whole. The second infographic explains what types of abortions there are—i.e. the weeks in which they occur during a pregnancy most often—and it debunks the “concept” of “late-term abortions”. To make these infographics I used the online program Canva and it gives the user access to eye-catching materials and infographic setups. This was incredibly useful and helped me to feel that I was making something that would properly and effectively convey important information in an eye-catching manner. Overall, the Pro-Choice movement is something I very strongly support and want the misconceptions and hate to stop. I want people to be educated and not blinded by misconceptions and propaganda against the Pro-Choice movement. I hope my infographics help to educate as many people as possible.
Created by: Mikaela Otte