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Barton, Adanma O.: Celebrating Scholarship and Creative Works

Chair of the Theatre Department; Associate Professor of Theatre

At Berea College since 2009



Poster for Lost & Found



Barton, Adanma. Lost & Found: Solo Performance and Masterclass: Birmingham Southern College (Alabama), Sweet Briar College (Virginia), Davis & Elkins College (West Virginia), Newberry College and Coker College (South Carolina), February - May 2017.

Barton, Adanma. Acting as Elizabeth Keckley/Narrator A House Divided. Bluegrass Opera Downtown Arts Center. Lexington, KY, May 2017.

Photo of cast of In These Fields



​Barton, Adanma. Acting performance as Sarah/Meredith In These Fields by Silas House and Sam Gleaves; Southern Foodways Alliance: Oxford, Mississippi, October 2016​.


Barton, Adanma. Director for Stop Kiss, performed by The Studio Players, Lexington, Kentucky, January 2017.