I saw this article, "As Black History Month ends, a reading list for the rest of the year" by Cheryl Townsend Gilkes writing for Religion News Service (RNS). The author offers "an arsenal of 28 books that should make it possible for 'whosoever will' to learn and grow." So in the interest to help readers who wish to keep learning and growing, I checked our library catalog to see which books if any from the list Hutchins Library already has. Out of 28, we have 17 including one that is on order as of this blog post. It should arrive soon. Please note that to access e-books via the library, if you are off campus you will need to authenticate with Berea College username, password, and DUO.
On a side note, for our friends and readers who might not be local, you can always check WorldCat to see if a library near you has these and other books.
Books from the list available at Hutchins Library: