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The Disability & Accessibility Services Lab at Hutchins Library

A service of Berea College Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS)

The Disability and Accessibility Services Lab (D.A.S. Lab), located in Hutchins Library Room 221, is a closed lab available to Berea College students, faculty and staff during Hutchins Library’s operating hours upon approval from Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS). The resources in the space are maintained by DAS to enhance campus accessibility. The room is equipped with hardware and software that aid in accessing information in alternate formats and creating accessible materials.

If you need assistance using any of the tools in the DAS Lab, contact Lisa Ladanyi in Disability & Accessibility Services at or (859) 985-3327.

Lab Hours

The DAS Lab is open to Berea College students, faculty and staff during Hutchins Library’s operating hours upon approval from DAS.