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Welcome to Bereapedia

Photo of Angus A. Burleigh as taken from the book Berea College: An Illustrated History, by Shannon Wilson

A.A. Burleigh

About Bereapedia:

The BEREApedia project was created in order to address the many needs of students, faculty and staff, campus offices, library patrons, off-campus researchers, alumni, and the general public. BEREApedia seeks to establish itself as a one-stop-shop for archivally-researched and confirmed information on some of the most popular topics and questions received in the College Archives and at the Reference Desk of Hutchins Library. It endeavors to link to online content in Berea Digital and beyond, and to provide articles and contextual information regarding the Institution's history and campus culture.

Although archival research is a tedious, time-intensive, and scholarly process, developments in technology and new communication formats have increased the public's expectations regarding the speed and availability of information held in archival repositories, and as such, those who work in the field have sought ways to adjust the way they provide service. BEREApedia is one way of experimenting with this evolving concept.