
Training Module 7: Using EBSCOHost Databases

Why Use Ebsco Databases?

EBSCOHost is our largest provider of databases. You have probably used at least one of the EBSCO databases before, such as Academic Search Complete. One of the best things about our EBSCO databases is that once you learn how to use one of them, it is pretty easy to make sense of the others. Each of the EBSCO databases looks alike and the same tricks that work in one usually work in the others.

This module includes videos and tips which will help you learn how to get the most out of your EBSCO database searches. Even if you have used these sources before, be sure to watch the videos for tips you might not have known. We find that many of our students consider themselves experts at using Academic Search Complete until we show them some of the special features they didn't know existed!



When you see this logo, you know you are using

an EBSCOhost database