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Reference Module 13: Using LibGuides

Objective for LibGuides Module

Student employees will be able to know why and how to use LibGuides.

Why Use LibGuides?

LibGuides can be invaluable to you as you assist patrons in doing their research for the following reasons:

  1. They remove the pressure from you to be knowledgable about every subject. We have LibGuides for every subject because we understand that no one person can know the best databases, journals,websites, and reference books for every single subject. LibGuides fill in the gaps in your knowledge.

  2. LibGuides allow you to help those difficult patrons who do not know what they need. If a patron has a very vague or generic research topic, or cannot narrow down their focus, you can always refer them to the LibGuide most closely associated with that topic. You can explain to them that after they have taken the time to explore that LibGuide and its recommendations, they might have a better idea of what they would like to research.

  3. The LibGuides were created by Librarians and so you can trust the resources that were hand-picked for inclusion within them. These sources were intentionally chosen and are of high quality, meeting the CRAAP criteria.

Using LibGuides to Assist Students